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Basics of Tantric Sexuality (Video Course)
Full eBook
Welcome to the course (5:51)
Tantransformation (18:03)
Basics of Tantric Sex
Miracle of the Sperm (12:55)
Introduction To Tantric Techniques (29:22)
Seperating Orgasm and Ejaculation (11:14)
Solo Practice - Accessing Your Own Fortune (24:38)
Tantra With a Partner
Praticising With a Partner (21:58)
Enjoying After Sex (17:33)
Playing the Long Game
Core Physical Techniques (39:55)
Sublimation: Move That Energy (51:42)
Becoming a Tantric Jedi (25:05)
Tactics to Ensure Your Success (33:35)
Above and Beyond
Love: The Ultimate Goal (26:36)
Further On the Path (24:49)
Bonus: Orgasms on Chakras
Core Physical Techniques
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