Rock in the bedroom, last long like a beast with Tantric Transformation in 4 Weeks program.
I am going deep with you and design a daily program just for you. This will be including the techniques and strategies tailored to your needs, your goals, and most importantly to who you are…
What's In It?
You will get 2 Coaching sessions. In the first session you will have your personal program, based on what your needs and you want to achieve with your sexuality and masculinity. You will have 1 month of time to practice the techniques, give me feedback, send me videos of how you practice them.
After 1 month we will have another call, in which I will correct the way you apply my teachings and optimize the way you do them, as well as your daily program. You will keep your daily program after the program is completed.
Meanwhile, I will keep you accountable to complete both my eBook and the Video Course, so if you have any questions, you can ask them on the second call.
Hi, I’m Vajra Fatih
Walking on the path of Yoga and Spirituality for 2 decades now. I am practicing Tantric sexuality for 15 years.
My work consists of helping men lasting longer in bed while opening up to the possibilities of love and spiritual growth, understanding, and working with their energy systems.
I am also working with male archetypes and the concepts of initiation and rites of passage, for helping men reclaim the masculine identity.
My mission is to contribute to society with uplifting men. I want to create an army of Tantrik men, who know how to use their own nuclear power, harvest their seeds for achieving great efficiency, health, and character.